my cousin no 1:
athirah nuraishah..
she's cute and adorable, she is 4@5 years old..
we call her mey..
she has a gold necklace with a locket shape of heart (she calls it 'rantai jiwa').. first time aku dgr rase nk pecah perut ketawa.. hahaha..
one day she asked her mom, a teki-teki (teka teki).. ;)
mey: mak! mak! saya ada teki-teki..
rantai jiwa saya berapa ringgit?
mcik faridah (her mom): (tanpa ada perasaan excited) seratus lebih..
mey: betol! (with her hands up in the air)
mey: kite ade teki-teki
mira (my sister): ape die??
mey: dlm byk2 buah, buah ape yg boleh makan??
mira: buah.. tembikai??
mey: betol!
her 'teki-teki' is the simplest teka teki ever..!
u can answer her question with any will end up.. betol!
my cousin no. 2 ( azib luthfil hadi)
we call him ajib..
on the 3rd day of hari raya..
ajib woke up late..
i asked him to take a bath..
he grab a towel and went into the toilet..
after 20 minutesor so, i realized he hadnt came out from the toilet..
suddenly, my aunty came out from the toilet.. ajib is the far left, with his two brother: amir&aiman
i asked my other cousin,alia..
shima: alia, ajib dah kluar dr toilet ke??td kak shima suh die mandi..
alia: ntah, xde pon..
i rushed to the toilet and shouted his name..
suddenly he answered..
shima: ajib buat ape??
ajib: ajib dlm jamban..
td nak berak, ajib masuk la dlm jamban..
info penting utk mengelakkan kekeliruan: jamban kat kg aku dlm bilik air.. ade 2 pintu.. pintu bilik air dan pintu jamban..since ajib is only 7 years old.. die xsmpai nk tutup pintu bilik air, sbb selaknye kat atas..makcik aku igt xde org, die pon masukla dlm toilet tuh.. rupa2nye, the whole time, die duduk dlm jamban tuh.. huhu.. aku dh menggeleng kepala dah.. huhu.. wondering.. tahan bau plak die nih.. hahaha.. when i am surrounded by my little cousins, keje aku xde lain, menjerit je.. kejap2 dh panjat sana, panjat sini..gaduh sana,gaduh sini, kejap kang dah menangis.. naik basikal pg tgh jalan.. main mercun..nak pg kedai la apelaa, cina kedai kat kg aku tuh kaya sbb dorg ni tau.. duit raya semua derma kat situ, huhu.. mcm2.. but, i love all of them.. hehehe..
Braces & Me..
8 years ago
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